Aspects of Quantitative Program Verification (WS 24/25)


WS 2024/2025

OrganizersProf. Benjamin Kaminski, Tobias Gürtler, Anran Wang

Are you passionate about logic, verification, semantics, and alike? Are you tired of thinking black-and-white, true-or-false? Then come and study the more nuanced quantitative formal program verification! In quantitative verification, properties are not just true or false. Instead, we verify quantities like runtimes, error probabilities, beliefs, etc.

Topics which we will cover include:

  • Probabilistic programming (a currently trending modeling paradigm in machine learning)
  • Incorrectness logic (the latest creation of the former chief formal methods researcher at Facebook/Meta)
  • Quantitative Information Flow
  • Worst-case (expected) execution times
  • Verification of heap-manipulating programs
  • and many more…

Find the full list of topics that we will cover below!


MandatoryProgrammierung 1
Programmierung 2
Grundzüge der Theoretischen Informatik
Introduction to Computational Logic
Automata, Games and Verification


The report must be prepared using the ACM template acmart-pacmpl-template.tex with the following options in the preamble:


The report must not exceed 10 pages, excluding references.


As a block seminar at the end of the semester.

More information TBA.

Timeline / Deadlines (tentative)

Kick-off meeting
at 14:15
Likely Room 528,
Building E1 3
Bidding for topics14.11.2024 – via email to Benjamin Kaminski –
Student-topic assignment announcedby 15.11.2024– on this website –
Detailed report outline +
1 page of main part due
26.11.2024– via email to your supervisor –
Registration in LSF dueTBD– via LSF –
Final report due23.12.2024– via email to your supervisor –
Preliminary slides due (optional)7.1.– via email to your supervisor –
Seminar presentationsw/c 20.1.2025Likely Room 528, Building E1 3
w/c = week commencing


Topics marked (BA) are particularly well-suited for Bachelor students.

Generalized Hoare Logics & Predicate Transformers

Weighted Programming

Expected Runtimes (BA)

Correctness by Construction (BA)

Relational Reasoning (BA)

Outcome Logic

Differential Privacy

General Correctness (BA)

General Correctness, Axiomatic

Synthesis of Loop Invariants

Resolving Nondeterminism (BA)

Incorrectness Reasoning

Incorrectness Logic I (BA)

Incorrectness Logic (BA)

Quantitative Strongest Postcondition (BA)

Separation Logic

Separation Logic (BA)

Quantitative Separation Logic (BA)

Probabilistic Separation Logic

Separation Logic and Stochastic Independence

Probabilistic Programming

Scalable Inference (BA)

Domain Theory for Statistical Probabilistic Programming

Reactive Programs

Exact Symbolic Inference

Algebraic Reasoning

Refinement Algebra

Fixed Points

Finding Fixed Points Syntactically (BA)

Fixed Points and General Correctness

Calculating Loops (BA)

Verifying Neural Networks

Reachable Specifications (BA)

Residual Reasoning (BA)