Lena Verscht

lverscht at cs.uni-saarland.de

Saarland Informatics Campus
E1 3, R. 507
66133 Saarbrücken

I am a PhD student in the Software Modeling and Verification Group at RWTH Aachen headed by Professor Joost-Pieter Katoen and in the Quantitative Verification Group at Saarland University headed by Professor Benjamin Kaminski.


My research interests include the deductive verification of probabilistic programs, as well as quantitative aspects of (partial) incorrectness logic. I am also interested in the connection between Hoare logic and Kleene algebra. Currently, I am studying the precise relationship and expressiveness of both approaches.


If you are interested in writing a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in quantitative aspects of logic or verification, don’t hesitate to contact me. For an overview of currently available topics, see our thesis projects. I am currently supervising the following students:

  • Angela Krebs. Bachelor’s thesis

Past thesis projects:

  • Anran Wang. Necessary Liberal Preconditions: A Proof System. Master’s thesis
  • Haya Alkhaled. A Strongest-Post-Style Calculus for Reasoning about Runtimes. Bachelor’s thesis


I am currently involved in the following teaching activities:

Past semesters:




  • LPAR 2024 (External Reviewer)
  • CAV 2024 (External Reviewer)
  • TACAS 2024 (Member of Artifact Evaluation Committee)
  • CSL 2024 (External Reviewer)
  • QEST 2023 (External Reviewer)