Paper at OOPSLA 2024
The paper Quantitative Weakest Hyper Pre: Unifying Correctness and Incorrectness Hyperproperties via Predicate Transformers by Linpeng Zhang, Noam Zilberstein, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski, and Alexandra Silva has been accepted at OOPSLA 2024. The paper presents a novel weakest pre calculus for reasoning about quantitative hyperproperties over nondeterministic and probabilistic programs.
Selected JACM Article from 2022
Our paper Generative Datalog with Continuous Distributions (joint work with Martin Grohe, Joost-Pieter Katoen, and Peter Lindner) was featured as one of eight selected articles published in 2022 in the Journal of the ACM. It describes a new way to give semantics to Datalog, a declarative probabilistic programming language used in the context of probabilistic…